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Women - Back to Basics - Barnett

Wednesday, October 30, 9:00am

Every week on Wednesday until Dec 18, 2018 from 9:00a to 11:00a

Location: Tracy ,

Group: Women - Rooted, Connet with God... - Morris

Contact: Liz Barnett

We call our group "Back to the Basics" as we encourage one another to spend daily time reading the Bible, with journal in hand, seeking to apply God's Word to our daily lives. We also seek to grow our prayer life individually and as a group for one another. Utilizing weekly podcast messages from Francis Chan, as well as the "Read Scripture" program, we stay focused on our goal of growing our individual "quiet time" as well as continuing to be a group of women who support one another. Our group meets every Wednesday from 9-11am in South Tracy.