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How to Talk to God

Jan 29, 2017 | Michael Nolen

Praying When God Isn't Answering

Luke 18:1-8

Wrapping up the series "How to Talk to God," Pastor Michael Nolen explores Like 18:1-8, a parable Jesus told to show His disciples that they should always pray. 
Having deep prayers go unanswered can be crippling, not only to your prayer life but also your faith. This passage encourages believers, giving the power to persevere in prayer, even when it feels like God isn't answering.

Series Information

At the beginning of the year, many people make resolutions to improve themselves... lose weight, save money, travel, get organized, read more... all good resolutions. In this series, How to Talk to God, Pastor Michael Nolen suggests a resolution that will change your life more than any other resolution: Learn how to talk to God.