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Healthy Discipleship

Healthy Discipleship is all about growing toward Christ and helping others along their journeys, as well. Learn real, practical life skills to help you on your journey that you can take out into the world to grow and develop yourself and others.

Healthy Leadership

Develop key skills that will help you grow in your job, your career, and as a servant-leader in the church through learning the Biblical principles of leadership. Click here to enroll now.

Gospel University

“The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” Join Pastor Chris Thielen as he teaches how to share the Good News with others in a way that encourages non-believers to invite Christ into their lives. Click here to enroll now.

Spiritual Gifts

Uncover the gifts God gave you at your birth and explore how you can put them to use in your personal life and to help grow the Kingdom. Click here to enroll now.