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Online Community

Stay current at Southwinds Church



What is the swcurrent?

As a member or regular attendee of Southwinds Church, you are welcome to use and become part of our Southwinds Online Community, what we've named The SWCurrent. When you log in, you will be able to see your own profile information, see the groups you are participating in and the positions you hold, access your giving information, explore events you might be interested in, easily communicate with other members, and much more! You can update your profile information to make sure our records are correct and allow other people in the community to get to know you better. We hope you enjoy the online community!

How do I join or log in to the SWCurrent?

To request a login, fill out a short form with your name, email, and phone number.

Request a login

If you are found in our system, we will send you a login activation email with your new username and a link to set your password. After activating your profile, you can log in to change your username and/or password.

IIf you are not found in our system, we will contact you to let you know how you can obtain access to the SWCurrent. 

Is my information private?

While our database and our website are public, our online community is private and only those who have usernames and passwords assigned to them can join in. In addition, you can decide whether your profile will be ‘listed’ to other online members or ‘unlisted’.

Unlisted profiles are not seen by anyone beyond our staff and key leaders. Listed profiles can be found by other members, and you can adjust what information is visible on your profile and who has access to view it through your privacy settings. To encourage interaction in the community, all profiles will default to listed unless you request to be unlisted.

How do I use the online community?

The best way to see what The SWCurrent Online Community is about is to visit the website and use your login and password to look around. If you decide you don’t want to be part of the community, you can, at any time, request to be unlisted and merely discontinue using it. 

Top Ten Ways to Use the SWCurrent


What are the guidelines for use?

Privilege always comes with responsibility. By becoming an online community member, you agree to the following rules of use:

  • Our Online Community is intended for personal and ministry use. It is not for solicitation of any kind. Do not use it for business purposes or for ministries, groups, etc. outside of the Southwinds community.
  • Respect the privacy of members by not giving their contact information, (email address, phone numbers, etc.) to others outside of the Online Community without first obtaining their permission. If you would like someone’s number and they are ‘unlisted’, please ask them directly. Southwinds Church cannot give out this information without prior consent. Our staff and leaders use this private information with care.
  • Use The SWCurrent with care and courtesy for personal and friendly communication. Do not send emails that are not necessary and not requested. Even if it’s interesting, funny, or important, do not send unsolicited information. 
  • Keep the online discussions and emails engaging, empowering, and encouraging. Discussions will be monitored.
  • Members are to inform The SWCurrent administrators of any problems so a resolution can be found. 
  • Online Members who become inactive at Southwinds Church or who do not follow these guidelines and/or abuse The SWCurrent will have their login access removed.